Monday, July 23, 2012


The one person that can actually make me start my blog again-- Cathryn the neighbor. This was a month ago when the neighbor deciding what to eat for her birthday. Since then posts on facebook are related to cakes recipes and restaurants. We at last decide on making an orea cream pie, but because after telling them and knowing the recipe myself, we abstain from making a big pie, but instead made a mini one just enough to satisfy her. The recipe is simple and this post is dedicated to the birthday girl. (she is craving fat and sweet again and i am not there for her) 

Yields a 9x13 pie 1 big pack of OREO (separate them and only use the cracker) 
1/2 cup of butter 
8 ounce cream cheese 
1 cup powdered sugar 
1 heavy cream 

Crushed all of the OREO and split them in half. For the pie crust, melt then butter and mix in the OREO. Use you hand, press down the OREO mix onto a non-stick pan and put it in the fridge. Start mixing the cream cheese and powdered sugar until it is soft and fluffy. Whip the heavy cream and add them into the mix. Pour in the rest of the OREO and mix. Pour the pie in the pan and sprinkle some of the left over OREO for decoration. Put the pie in the fridge for around an hour or two and the pie is ready!


Enjoy and happy birthday once again.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

龍年團年飯 之 蛋角 Chinese New Year Eve DInner-- Egg Dumplings

The night before Chinese New Year, family gathers together to cook a big meal and enjoy the night before a new year starts.
In Boston, my family joined me and my roomate for a feast as well. Although i miss home and all those cold appetizers and hot soup and dessert, I created a lovely night with my friends.
In preparation for this night, i pre-made the egg dumplings because school work is starting to pile up.
Ingredients are very easy to get, but the process takes a while.
Yield around 25-30 depending on size
A dozen of medium sized eggs
Around 2 dollars of ground pork
light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, sesame oil, oyster sauce, white pepper, sugar, corn starch

First mix the ground pork with the seasoning. These are the basic ingredients for Chinese to marinate meat, sometimes without the oyster sauce.
Do not add too much of each, preferably more sesame oil.
After mixing everything in, add about 1/3 cups of water, little by little. This makes the pork more fluffy and juicy. The corn starch will also help contain the juice of the meat.

Set that aside. Beat the eggs with a fork. Do not over-beat because we do no want too many air bubble created with pan frying the egg.



Heat the Chinese wok (or you can use a non stick pan) ( the Chinese wok is better because it has a natural concavity that will help shape the egg.
Put in a small amount of oil and when the oil is heated, pour in a soup spoonful of egg. Try to make the egg as round as possible. Once the egg start to bubble up, take the pan away from the fire and scoop in some pork. Do not put too many because the egg might break.
Put the pan back on the fire and fold the egg in half. Seal all sides before the egg is all cooked through. If there are some openings, try to put a little bit more egg to seal it. Then pan fry it until both sides are golden brown.
You have to be very patience when making these dumpling because the egg breaks easily.
I made around 25 dumplings but it really depends on how big you make it.



You could put them in a box layered with parchment paper if you are not going to eat them right away.
To eat:
There are a lot of different ways people eat egg dumplings, but i put them in soup.
Make a pot of chicken soup, with chicken broth or whole chicken, cut up some cabbages and cellophane noodles, give it a boil and add in the egg dumplings. It will take around 5-7 minutes. Then it is ready!


There are so other pictures of my dinner, if you wanted the recipe of the other food, feel free to contact me :)
Once again Happy Chinese New Year!!!

drunken chicken




pork ribs